Via Ciccarone, 252 - 66054, VASTO (CH)
Tel. +39.(0)873.51.08.53 - Fax +39.(0)873.61.06.48
P.IVA - C.F. 02280980695 - REA CH 166297 -

Your daily dressing in complete freedom? Come to discover our walk-in closets!


Vendita cabine armadio Vasto


Vendita cabine armadio Chieti


Vendita cabine armadio Pescara


Vendita cabine armadio Abruzzo


Cabine armadio Pescara


Cabine armadio spogliatoio


Cabine armadio casa


Armadi Chieti


Armadio casa camera da letto


Cabine armadio spogliatoi casa Abruzzo


Henry Glass Abruzzo


Cabine armadio personalizzabili


Progettazione cabine armadio casa


Cabine armadio casa vestiti cassettiere Abruzzo


Mobili personalizzabili Abruzzo


Cabine armadio personalizzabili Pescara


Armadi Henry glass Abruzzo

Laccetti Divisione Serramenti has increased its own collection of products with the new Vesta walk-in closet program of the Henry Glass to be designed according to the need: not only a walk-in closet but a specialized system for live in complete liberty your daily dressing.

The natural complements of the Vesta walk-in closets are the closing systems offered by Henry glass: completely hidden sliding doors or exterior walls adapted to traditional systems, set in the ceiling or visible.