Via Ciccarone, 252 - 66054, VASTO (CH)
Tel. +39.(0)873.51.08.53 - Fax +39.(0)873.61.06.48
P.IVA - C.F. 02280980695 - REA CH 166297 -

Windows and doors with high acoustic insulation


Isolamento acustico finestre


Finestre rumori esterni


Confort acustico casa


Infissi Abruzzo


Finestre Abruzzo


Finestre Pescara isolamento termoacustico


Finestre casa rumori isolamento

The relaxation between domestic walls passes through windows and doors with high acoustic insulation

windows and fixtures at high acoustic insulation in Abruzzo, in Vasto, in Chieti province, near Campobasso in Molise

The relaxation between domestic walls passes through windows and doors with high acoustic insulation. Sound pollution can distract the attention and sometimes have negative consequences for the human body. This is true for adults, but even more for children, who must live in a protected and healthy sensory environment.

Acoustic insulation indicates how much sound energy passes through an obstacle (a door or a wall) regarding the original. Acoustic insulation is measured in decibels (dB). The greater the value, the better the insulation. If the insulation is equal to 10 dB passes 1/10 of original sound energy. If it is equal to 20 dB 1/100, if it is 30 dB 1/1000 and so on. The human experiences a reduction of 10 dB as a half-life of the sound volume.

Acoustic insulation depends on the material of the frame and of the glass, the seal of the window or the door and of the connection with the wall work. Laccetti Divisione Serramenti guarantees care and professionalism to obtain the best results in any condition.