Via Ciccarone, 252 - 66054, VASTO (CH)
Tel. +39.(0)873.51.08.53 - Fax +39.(0)873.61.06.48
P.IVA - C.F. 02280980695 - REA CH 166297 -

Windows and doors with high thermal insulation


Risparmio bolletta gas casa


Finestre risparmio energetico casa


Finestre isolamento termico


Serramenti isolamento termico


Isolamento termico finestre Abruzzo


Abruzzo infissi termoisolanti


Materiali termoisolanti finestre


Risparmio riscaldamento casa


Finestre isolamento termico Vasto

Lower bills also extend from the purchase of thermal windows and doors

Windows and doors with high thermal insulation in Abruzzo, a Vasto, in Chieti province, near Campobasso in Molise

In a home, approximately 25% of energy can be dispersed through the windows or the doors. In the design phase work can be done, correctly placing the windowsin a surface, directing the largest to the south, to affect the energy balance and reduce heating costs. But what can we do to improve the thermal insulation of a home that is already built?

In the case of a window, the thermal insulation depends on the material of the frame, the insulating glass and the seal. The parameter with which is indicated the insulating capacity of a window is the "U value." The lower this value, the better the thermal insulation will be. It is possible to further improve the U value with additional devices as shades and blinds. Thus, always ensure what is the U value of the doors and windows that you are purchasing.

Laccetti Divisione Serramenti ensures the proper doors and windows, professionally mounted, and the best thermal materials to reduce to a maximum the heat dispersal of a home.