Via Ciccarone, 252 - 66054, VASTO (CH)
Tel. +39.(0)873.51.08.53 - Fax +39.(0)873.61.06.48
P.IVA - C.F. 02280980695 - REA CH 166297 -

Sales and assistance windows and skylights Velux for roofs and mansard roofs


Lucernai Abruzzo


Finestre tetti Vasto


Finestre velux Pescara


Vendita finestre tetti mansarde


Acquisto finestre mansarde


Montare finestre per mansarde


Infissi mansarde velux lucernai


Finestre San Salvo Velux


Finestre Termoli Velux mansarde


Finestre Molise Velux Lucernai

For 70 years VELUX has offered high quality skylights.

Whether you live in a single-family home, in an apartment, in a rustic renovation or in an old recovered industrial complex, the internal climate and the quality of the lights in the rooms are essential for your wellness.

The amount of light that enters from a skylights is greater than a normal window in a façade, and the rooms are better lit and more uniformly. Furthermore, natural light gives depth, makes the rooms comfortable, and gives energy and positivity to people, showing colors naturally.

Skylights are suited to all the places in your home: thanks to awnings outside and curtains and blinds inside, you can filter the light or regulate the entry of the sun, creating, as you wish, a suffused effect or complete darkness, according to the time of the day and the use of the room.

VELUX is a leader in automated solutions. By simply pressing a button, you may activate all the VELUX windows, curtains and blinds

Laccetti Divisione Serramenti is the VELUX dealer in Vasto and in Abruzzo for the sales of Velux windows.