Via Ciccarone, 252 - 66054, VASTO (CH)
Tel. +39.(0)873.51.08.53 - Fax +39.(0)873.61.06.48
P.IVA - C.F. 02280980695 - REA CH 166297 -

Wood-alluminium windows Verbund Line


Finestre legno alluminio con vetrocamera strutturale


Finestre casa risparmio energetico


Finestre isolamento acustico


Finestre isolamento termico


Finestre con veneziane integrate


Finestre filtraggio luce


Finestre Campobasso


Finestre design


Finestre casa Chieti

Uni_One Verbund: rigorous design with flat geometry

Windows Uni-one Verbund Abruzzo Pescara Chieti Molise

uni_one Verbund allows the insertion of a Venetian blind or a blackout blind between the double glazing and the external aluminium frame fitted with laminated glass.

It is the perfect solution for schools, hospitals, business premises and modern residential buildings. Among the many advantages of this system are improved thermal and sound insulation, protection from dust, light diffusion is controlled electrically or by solar powered battery, and trouble-free maintenance of the blind, facilitated by opening the interior pane.

Wing section: 96mm x 70mm;

Frame section: 77,5mm x 72,5mm;

Double glazing, thickness 28mm + exterior pane da 6,5mm.

Uw=1,0 W/(m2K)

Soft Wood: 1,1 W/(m2K)


Termografia wood alluminium windows Verbund line